KFC China's dancing Psyduck toy is an inspiration to us all, and it's making bank


Michael Jackson. Shakira. Fred Astaire. Patrick Swayze. Michael Flatley. Beyonce. Anna Pavlova. And now, Psyduck.

Yes, that’s right. Today, my friends, is a special day: Pokémon number 54 has entered the ranks of the best dancers to have ever graced the surface of planet earth – and it’s all happened in a rather unexpected way.

A new toy has been released by KFC China as part of a promotion for Children’s Day – which takes place in the region on June 1 – that features either a Pikachu or Psyduck toy. That, in itself, isn’t really news. But wait until you see the Psyduck. Wait until you see its hypnotic moves. Its rhythm. Its power.

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