Remember PT? Kojima definitely does


Hideo Kojima took to Twitter just under an hour ago, and if you were simply doom-scrolling and not reading, you might’ve felt your heart skip a beat if you’re a horror fan. No, Kojima is not sharing any teasers from his upcoming horror project with Xbox. He simply shared the P.T. artwork again.

Again, no, there’s no new P.T. announcements. It isn’t coming back from the dead. In fact, it still isn’t even downloadable anywhere unless you’re tracking it – or its clones – down by nefarious means.

Kojima tweeted that “It’s been 8 years”, and, well, he isn’t wrong. It’s been eight years since what could’ve been the best Silent Hill game – a complete revival for the Konami series from Metal Gear Solid’s best – was robbed from us. Fortunately for me, who will not stop rambling on about P.T. and the loss of Silent Hills for the life of me, I’ve been reminded that I’m not alone.

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