Destiny Explains Problem With The Rajjchelor

Credit: Destiny

After the Rajjchelor featuring Fedmyster from OfflineTV, Destiny explained why Kaite was right to do what she did. The Rajjchelor is a game where there is a guy and ten girls who can choose between host or love. The guy is supposed to eliminate the contestants one by one for who he thinks that choose to host, and when there is only one contestant left, if she chooses host then she would get a host from RajjPatel which is the prize for winning this game show. Destiny said, “I like how you’re not actually supposed to play the game like you’re just supposed to be there to love our favorite streamers.” He continued to say, ” If you actually end up playing (choosing host) and win people f***ing hate you for it.” He finished by saying, “Technically the point of the show is for people like her or weed people like her out.”

You can see the full clip below:

He is talking about this clip where Kaite called Fedmyster ugly:

After Kaite called Fedmyster ugly his friends came in to roast Kaite.

After the show, Fedmyster went on his stream and someone donated $100 saying, “Hello Fed here is some money for being great.” Fedmyster then wipes his fake tears with a one hundred dollar bill.