Age of Empires 2 on Xbox: How AI helpers are giving the console real-time strategy genre a new lease of life


As technology has developed, it’s felt as though the line between PC and console gaming, once vast, has significantly thinned. We now have consoles that have online, graphics settings, and even keyboard and mouse support. Many things previously thought impossible on consoles are now simple. But a few types of game remain largely the purview of PC players – most notably, the real-time strategy genre.

There have been a number of attempts over the years, of course. I have fond memories of those slightly-crap console ports of the earliest Command & Conquer games, and then C&C actually managed some pretty damn good controller-based releases of C&C3 and Red Alert 3. I’d argue those games have a direct lineage in control scheme to Halo Wars. Halo Wars was a decent bit of fun – and now another Microsoft strategy stalwart is entering Game Pass on console. Age of Empires has hit Xbox, with a raft of improvements and tweaks to make it more accessible and easily playable on console, regardless of what control method you choose.

First up is Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition, a strong re-release with a beautiful 4K visual overhaul and a smattering of new content that was first released on PC in 2019. This release truly is definitive, featuring everything from the original game, plus a smattering of new additions, and even the option to choose between the original 1999 enemy AI and more advanced versions.

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