How one tweet made me love an Xbox Game Pass game I hated


I wasn’t vibing with Tunic. That actually is me being too kind on the game. I simply wasn’t enjoying it, at all. I’d seen the praise, heard the GOTY chat – even from our own Dom – and yet there was I, tapping buttons on my Steam Deck wondering how on earth people loved such an irritating, obtuse, time-waster of a game. I’d decided Tunic, a darling of Xbox Game Pass no less, wasn’t for me.

Tunic looks gorgeous. Ever since it was first revealed it was on my radar as a game I’d have to play on release. Like a retro Zelda (but made today), its art-style oozes childhood whimsy, yet it’s not kiddy. The soundtrack seemed incredible, too, and the little of the game I saw in trailers suggested there was a great mystery to unravel. Boy, was I excited to play Tunic.

But then I did.

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