PS VR2 is almost as entertaining for watchers as it is players


I was Ryas, or was Ryas me? I don’t know. The point is, when I donned the PSVR2 headset and started Horizon Call of the Mountain, I was immersed. It’s an overused term, but I think you can get away with saying it when you’re talking about VR. At one point, pretty early on, something happened that made me semi-scream and I was almost knocked off my feet. My son couldn’t stop laughing, had to tell my wife about it over dinner, and has mentioned the moment every day since, multiple times a day.

PlayStation VR2, and VR in general, is mostly a rather isolating experience. Sure, there are online multiplayer games, but when you put on the headset and a pair of headphones you leave your real room and enter the virtual world. It doesn’t matter who is there with you; they’re gone. The experience is yours and your alone.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

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