Forspoken writer's original pitch was apparently completely different from the final game


One of Forspoken’s original writers has said that the final version of the game is completely different from what he originally pitched.

Gary Whitta, possibly now best known for co-writing Star Wars: Rogue One, also served as a writer on Forspoken, though in the game he’s just credited as being behind the original concept. The writer recently spoke with Alanah Pearce as part of her Video Game Writing 101 series, where he touched on Forspoken’s story, which he says was rebooted between what he pitched and what the game ended up being (thanks, GamesRadar).

Pearce noted that from what she understands, Whitta had never written a single line of dialogue, which the latter confirmed, though he hasn’t actually played the game so wasn’t entirely sure. “What happened was, Square [Enix] came to me like five, six years ago and said ‘we have this idea… would you be willing to help us build out the world and the mythology,'” Whitta explained. Square Enix apparently liked what he came up with, and subsequently asked him if he would run a writers room, which he did and got together a bunch of writers he admired.

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