Bring back incredible video game peripherals, you cowards


A few days ago, I had a quiet revelation. Or perhaps revelation is a bit strong. You’re familiar with the feeling, I’m sure – I felt something I already knew in the very core of my being crystallize into a much more readily articulable opinion. That is: I miss dedicated gaming hardware.

Now, obviously, we still have ‘dedicated gaming hardware’ of a certain type. We have consoles, specialist PCs, retro throwbacks, and so on. But I’m really talking about something a little different; where we had highly game-specific add-ons, extras, or even entire machines designed to deliver a distinct experience for a particular game.

I’m talking about stuff like light guns and dance mats. I’m talking about arcade machines that deployed mega-specific hardware, from Street Fighter’s infamously shit and quickly-dropped hand-ruining pressure-sensitive buttons, to the Game Boy Camera. I’m talking about Guitar Hero and Rock Band. I’m talking about those stupid GameCube bongos.

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