Elden Ring players died so many times, it’d have wiped out all of humanity in the real world


Bandai Namco has released some stats for Elden Ring, and unsurprisingly, everyone fought a whole lot of bosses, and died a ridiculous amount of times.

It’s been over a year since we all stepped into The Lands Between, and it turns out, we all died a lot, as shared by Bandai Namco to celebrate the game’s anniversary. “How much could we have died?” you might be asking me. “Surely it can’t be that much? A few million perhaps?” Wrong. Over the past year, collectively we have died nine billion times. To add a little perspective to that, the global population is currently estimated to be a bit under eight billion. Essentially, we all died enough that if there were actually that many deaths, no one in the world would be left, and then some.

Some interesting stats were paired with those nine billion deaths, specifically with causes of death. The lowest amount was from other players, at just 2%, probably not too surprising as many do just play it as a single-player title. Falling to your death is a classic way to die, but only 14% of deaths were caused by falling, with 15% being a result of status effects like scarlet rot or poison. The biggest leading cause of death by far is from enemies, NPCs, and bosses, for a grand total of 69% (nice).

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