VG247's The Best Games Ever Podcast – Ep.44: The best game where you'd swap places with the main character


Welcome to VG247’s Best Games Ever Podcast: Episode 44: The best game where you’d swap places with the main character.

You’d think that swapping lives with any video game protagonist would be preferable to
continuing as a regular ol’ human in the real world. After all, we don’t have magic, or spaceships, or unfettered access to military grade ordinance. But most video game protagonists have to live through things that the vast majority of us would need years of therapy to process. Monster attacks. Wars. Alien invasions. Having to go on dates.

Still: plenty of game protagonists get to do nice things, like driving boats or growing turnips. So, who would our regular panellists swap places with if they could? In order to find out, you’ll have to listen to this podcast, which is pretty handy, because there are several ways of doing that which we have generously listed below. So get it dealt with and check out this week’s VG247’s Best Games Ever Podcast, the only podcast called that.

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