Finished Resident Evil 4 Remake? Here are 6 Resident Evil Spin-offs you probably haven't played


What do you do when you’re finished with the Resident Evil 4 Remake? Play it again? Dive right into Resident Evil 5? The latter might seem like the logical option, even though it suffers from a lack of floppy-haired ex-cops. But there’s always the risk that, just as you’re about to murder Wesker for the crime of wearing sunglasses indoors, Capcom announces it’s remaking that one too.

Instead, why not throw numerical order to the wind and explore some of the many side-entries that the Resident Evil series has spawned? We’re not talking about Resident Evil – Code: Veronica or Resident Evil Revelations either – there are more unnumbered Resident Evil games than you can shake a rocket launcher at.

So, we’ve rounded up some of the series’ spin-offs, ones that you maybe haven’t crossed paths with. Some are relatively easy to get hold of, while a few are wallet-offendingly expensive. But if you’re a Resident Evil enthusiast, each absolutely merits a play.

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