The Last of Us on PC is a cruel joke of a port that should not have been released


The Last of Us hype train seems to have never stopped. For a solid decade and counting, the message is that this fungal post-apocalyptic road trip is the game to end all games. A triumph of interactive entertainment as a narrative medium. As the people behind the HBO adaptation proudly stated, “the greatest story ever told in video games”.

This is, of course, nonsense. Don’t get me wrong – TLOU is good. Great, even. But to be repeatedly told that the tramadol Uncharted game with the ladders represents an entire medium at its peak feels like it tips over the line from marketing into straight up gaslighting. Still, you’d expect the entity ultimately responsible for the gaslighting (Sony) would be invested in making sure that the Greatest Game of All Time Ever wasn’t a bit of a dog’s breakfast when the PC port hit storefronts.

Unfortunately, it’s a bit of a dog’s breakfast. But first, the good: when it’s running, and not crashing, it looks lovely, sporting a suite of tweakable graphics options which can be pushed past the visuals found on PS5, which were already pretty lavish. In terms of image fidelity, the PC version is king, with denser foliage, higher resolution shadows, reflections, and particles all possible, and all running with decent ultrawide support if you have the requisite display.

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