An AI that could make you better at video games? Bring on the skynet apocalypse


Are you shit at video games? Maybe AI could be your key to finally getting good, either that or it could put you out of a job. As a fighting game player, that last fear is something you’re likely used to – so you may be happy to hear about one concept AI program that could analyse your Street Fighter matches.

This comes via a small video from Twitter user JP, a UX product designer from Greater Vancouver who has recently published some concepts online that are all focused on fighting games. Their concept is an AI-assisted program that will look through your matches from YouTube, pick out moments in which you do well, and point out issues in your shitty flowchart Ken.

There has long been a debate around the training systems present in games like Street Fighter, where the road to improvement can be vague and largely an effort in trial and error online. This grind, largely a big appeal of the game in the long run, is an accepted norm. However, with the use of AI, maybe you could identify how exactly to improve your game in the near future.

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