VG247's The Best Games Ever Podcast – Ep.47: An Audit of Current Winners and Losers


Winning this podcast is easy: you just have to convince me, Jim Trinca, that your submission for the topic du jour is better than anyone else’s. The tricky part is that I’m fickle and unknowable, and also, Donaldson knows everything, so he’s usually uncovered an angle that you haven’t thought of. The fact that it’s almost always about 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand is immaterial.

In the cut and thrust of the Best Games Ever Podcast, finding the weirdest or daftest angle is where the game lies. That or having the biggest sob story. So far only one of our panellists has wins in the double figures: but they’re also on nearly every episode. One of them has only half a dozen wins, but from half a dozen appearances. Arguably, they’re at the top of the game. However, Tom and I are too stupid and bad at maths to figure out what the ratios are, so in the pig-headed tradition of the British Isles, we’re using a first-past-the-post system to determine the winners and losers, and aren’t bothering to consider any nuances in the data. Please enjoy our discussion below in the second ever Best Games Ever Podcast Audit.

Here’s an artist’s impression of Chris Bratt disapproving of Chris Bratt listening to this drivel. (Support friends of VG247, People Make Games, on Patreon).

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