Horizon Forbidden West: Was PlayStation right to focus only on PS5 for the Burning Coast DLC?


Sony knows how to make decent looking games. The platform architects/magicians the company has working away behind the scenes know their stuff, and whatever dark magic they’ve spun in making all the silicon and metal communicate and summon the graphics we’ve had on the PS5 exclusives is serious business. The best in the business, actually – the only thing I’ve seen that rivals Sony’s first-party stuff is the as-yet-unreleased Final Fantasy 16 (and we’ve got to wait for June for that).

The downside of PlayStation’s push into graphical superstardom is the millstone of the PS4 around its neck. Yeah, sure, the PS4 Pro is still a punchy bit of kit, but it’s aging. And the base PS4 can barely keep up with games designed for it, let alone current-gen concessions that only exist because a worldwide component shortage threatened to eat into Sony’s margins.

God of War Ragnarok, Gran Turismo 7, Forbidden West – what were once seen as key PS5 exclusives also launched on PS4. And Sony was cagey about announcing that during development, too, because it knew people wanted ‘true’ next-gen games. To be fair, those first-party PS4 games were superb, and I’d go so far as to say they’re even highlights of that console’s library, but there was that sense that their existence could have been holding things back.

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