Respawn's CEO is just like us, "would love" to see Titanfall 3


In a strong he’s just like me for real moment, Respawn CEO Vince Zampella said he “would love” to see Titanfall 3 happen.

I’m not a big shooter kind of player. They’re just not for me, unless they’re doing something interesting, like Titanfall 2, which yeah, everyone’s right: that’s a damn good video game right there. Personally I’m not looking for anymore Titanfall multiplayer either because I never played the online portion, but I would love a third game just for the story. Only problem is, Titanfall 2 didn’t do so well, and Apex Legends is doing incredibly well – so why the hell is Respawn’s CEO getting my hopes up?

Zampella recently spoke to Barron’s (via PCGamer), where he touched on a potential Titanfall 3, and didn’t say no outright. “I hate to say yes, then people latch onto that, and then skewer you when it doesn’t come,” said Zampella, “But I would love to see it happen is the real answer.” Of course, he did make sure to point out that Respawn isn’t “working on anything currently,” and there aren’t “exact dedicated plans for that.”

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