What's the best game that's uncomfortably pro-monarchy? The Best Games Ever Show Episode 50


Welcome to the Best Games Ever Show episode 50: The best game that is uncomfortably pro-monarchy.

Video games are absurdly monarchist. Nintendo’s biggest franchises both have you running around after a princess. Final Fantasy is littered with royals showing up as quest givers, party members, and protagonists. Fable III is entirely about seizing your divine right to rule, and leads to an infamous sequence where you are tasked with deciding the fate of the kingdom through a series of binary decisions: the point of the sequence is, arguably, to show how difficult it is for a sovereign to keep all of their subjects happy and/or alive. For the most part, video game monarchies are treated sympathetically: the medium plays host to more pro-Royal sentiment than the home stands at Ibrox.

So games are, therefore, hostile ground for most republicans (not to be confused with Republicans, who tend to love video games because they’re also full of guns). But which games are the most uncomfortably regal? The most odiously knee-bending? The most simperingly crown-pilled? And of them, which is the best, according to our esteemed panel? In order to find out, you’ll have to listen to this here podcast here.

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