The latest Trek to Yomi trailer shows off striking black-and-white samurai action


Devolver Digital released the latest trailer for feudal Japan-themed samurai game Trek to Yomi, a cinematic action game with a striking art style and perspective.

The trailer clearly shows off what is supposed to be a style meant to mimic old black-and-white samurai cinema like that of famed filmmaker Akira Kurosawa but done in a 2.5-dimensional perspective. The action revolves around swordplay, but there’s also other weapons featured, such as spears, bows, guns, and cannons.

Devolver’s description talks about how “patience and timing” are key to success in Yomi, using your enemies’ blows against them. Most of the enemies in the trailer are human, but the description hints at “beings believed to be nothing more than folk tales” as well.

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