The Best Christmas Video Games to play over the holiday season


It’s the most wonderful time of the year, which can only mean one thing: over in the land of movies, people spend ages engaging themselves in the completely shite patter about if Die Hard is a Christmas movie or not. (It’s not, but it’s a great movie, set at Christmas – so feel free to watch at Christmas. Okay?) But what’s the video game equivalent?

We started thinking about this and couldn’t stop, because we love thinking about utterly stupid, pointless things. So, as we head into the holiday season, here’s our picks for some of the best Christmas video games – that is to say, games featuring or set during the holiday season. It’s not an exhaustive list, just our favourites – feel free to sound off about yours in the comments.

While it’s undoubtedly the worst title in the series, Dead Rising 4 is still an absolutely okay video game – and it’s probably one of the best games at harnessing the energy and trappings of Christmas to enhance its setting. While it technically takes place a while after Christmas, the town of Wilamette is frozen in that post-Black Friday, pre-Christmas period during the events of DR4, with the zombie outbreak having taken place right in the middle of the holiday season.

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