Raven Software quality assurance workers are unionizing


Raven Software workers in charge of quality assurance on Call of Duty: Warzone have formed a union dubbed the Game Workers Alliance which is part of the Communication Workers of America (CWA).

Activision Blizzard employees have been threatening to unionize ever since they went on strike seven weeks ago, and of the Raven QA testers, 34 workers have decided to unionize.

“Today, I am proud to join with a supermajority of my fellow workers to build our union, Game Workers Alliance (GWA),” said Raven Software tester Becka Aigner in a press release. “In the video game industry, specifically Raven QA, people are passionate about their jobs and the content they are creating. We want to make sure that the passion from these workers is accurately reflected in our workplace and the content we make. Our union is how our collective voices can be heard by leadership.”

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