Nintendo Direct February 2022 round-up: Mario, Xenoblade, Fire Emblem, and more


Last night’s Nintendo Direct will surely be one for the ages – as well as some new arrivals, we also saw Nintendo cast a loving eye backwards, reintroducing some cherished games to the Nintendo Switch system in the form of remasters and Nintendo Online additions. For gamers new and old, then, the February 2022 Nintendo Direct was definitely one to remember.

Granted, we didn’t see some of the big games that many people were expecting; there’s still no solid Breath of the Wild 2 release date, nor is there new information about Metroid Prime 4. And we’re still waiting to hear more about the long-awaited Bayonetta 3.

But we did get a lot – and I mean a lot – of other games to keep us ticking over. Let’s run down the extensive, and frankly exhausting, list:

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