A Plague Tale: Requiem will let you leg it to the end


^Stay tuned after the ads for our guide to legging it through a particularly gnarly bit of Requiem’s second chapter.

Look, we all know that pang of regret that comes on when you cock-up a stealth section and get spotted but finish the level anyway. There’s always a lingering sense of having not done things Properly. Perhaps, if you’re the sort of person who likes to get max sync in Assassin’s Creed no matter what, you’ll make a mental note to do better on your next playthrough. But A Plague Tale: Requiem encourages you to simply manage, however one must.

At the end of chapter two there is a sequence which ostensibly presents itself as a stealth section, complete with reeds to hide in, guards with predictable patrols, and plenty of cover to duck behind. But something happens around half way through which mixes things up in a way that the first game never quite dared: the rats cometh. Bursting up from the ground, through walls, hugging the edge of the light and filling every dark space. In this section, A Plague Tale’s “The Floor Is Lava” game collides with its “Hide and Seek” game: and the results are harrowing.

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