As Xbox Game Pass’ latest triple-A addition disappoints, all eyes are on this hidden indie gem


Something weird is going on at Xbox. Aside from all the delays, the odd messaging that’s coming from the Xbox Game Studios platform, and the distinct lack of killer exclusives that have been absent from the company’s roster over the past 12 months, we’ve just seen the release of Redfall – a game that was supposed to be an advert for the Xbox Series X/S and Game Pass, but that’s actually ended up being more of a baffling exercise in how not to launch a first-party exclusive.

A cursory look on Reddit or Twitter, and you’ll see people mocking Redfall in their droves. Whether it’s the weird proportions in-game, the weird collision detection and lo-fi interactive elements, or the non-responsive, braindead AI, the game is catching a lot of criticism from frustrated Xbox players at the moment. On the critical side of things, the situation isn’t much better – the game is at 63 on MetaCritic for Xbox, and 59 for PC (where it ran so badly it was almost impossible to play until a patch landed yesterday).

Our own Jeremy Peel was vaguely impressed by what’s on offer in the title, but noted that Redfall lacked all the polish and any killer hook that you’d find in any of Arkane’s other projects. This was supposed to be the big Game Pass hit Xbox would bank on between now and the (eventual) release of Starfield. Which now has even more pressure piled on its shoulders. But alas; if the initial response to the game is anything to go by, Redfall is a failure – an embarrassing blip on Arkane’s otherwise spotless record when the stakes couldn’t be higher (pun intended).

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