Atlas Fallen has great combat and that joyous single-A energy


Atlas Fallen is exactly the sort of game I need right now. I don’t quite know how to explain why that is other than to get slightly reductive, so indulge me: it’s got big, glorious A-tier energy. Not triple-A. Just A. And sometimes, that’s all you need.

Now, before I get into my brief time with a preview build of Atlas Fallen in earnest, a caveat. Previewing games is always difficult. It’s not easy to form an opinion on an unfinished product in a very short amount of time – but let me tell you, it’s even more difficult when you run into technical issues. This has been my experience with Atlas Fallen.

This happens with early builds all the time, so it’s not really a matter of alarm bells. Oftentimes, especially where I played on PC, it’s about weird driver and hardware mismatches, the sorts of things that get mopped up as a game nears release. So when I played Atlas Fallen, I experienced a not-insignificant number of crashes to desktop. But I kept going – kept playing, kept reloading, kept letting the autosave gods rescue me. You know why? ‘Cos Atlas Fallen really sorta slaps.

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