Before you rush to buy the discounted Steam Deck, know what you’re buying – some essential tips


Steam Deck, Valve’s rather brilliant handheld gaming PC, is one year old and it’s also currently 10% off – the first time it’s ever dropped in price. The temptation you are currently feeling to buy a Steam Deck at this lower price is no doubt very strong (I have been there and understand), but as a big Steam Deck advocate I must share some thoughts to prepare you for what’s to come. As wonderful as this device is, it has its limitations.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of things you should know, or even the feelings every Steam Deck user has about the machine. It’s simply what I feel are important notes. With that in mind…

That’s it. If this hasn’t put you off, get that Steam Deck ordered. For me, it’s one of the best things I’ve ever bought. If you’ve bought a Steam Deck, let us know what you think of it in the comments below.

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