Call of Duty Black Ops 4's scrapped campaign has leaked online


Years after its release, leaked details and assets for the scrapped campaign in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 have appeared online. Posted on Reddit by user PurpleToaster20, over 400 images of documentation, early builds, and storyboards are available to view. This fairly comprehensive overview of what got scrapped is open for anyone and everyone to read.

In addition, a full on video will be posted August 18 going through these assets and the info, set to run for roughly 30 minutes. According to the leaker, this vast collection of information was gathered from a variety of sources.

To break down some of the juicy details put out in the open, we know from these leaks that the scrapped 2017 campaign mode was intended to be a 2v2 affair. Titled ‘career’, you and a partner would race to the finish of a 15-20 minute mission, taking on AI enemies that block your path along the way.

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