Darkest Dungeon 2 devs on navigating the early access Redemption Road trip – and what final release looks like


Roughly a week ago, an eldritch phenomena descended upon San Francisco in a hail of rain and wind. Escaping these otherworldly forces as they threw trees, chairs, and Web3 developers all over the place, I escaped into Hotel G where I found greater horrors waiting for me…

It was game design director Tyler Sigman and creative director Chris Bourassa from Red Hook Studios – the perilous pair were lurking in the darkness, armed with Darkest Dungeon 2 on a laptop, ready to pounce. Resigned to my fate, I sat down and spent my last sane 30 minutes asking them about their time in early access on the Epic Game Store, and some of the ways Darkest Dungeon 2 differs from the original. If you are reading this, I am already gone.

As of writing, Darkest Dungeon 2 has roughly six weeks left in early access before it is let loose on a world unprepared for its horrors. The game, in development for four-ish years, exploded into its beta phase with fervour – selling 100,000 copies initially, and going onto sell just over 300,000 early access copies as of our interview, according to Sigman. The team has gone dark and put its heads down in preparation for the full release, following a process of almost continuous process of development, feedback gathering, and reworking.

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