Deathmatch Found In Valorant Code

Credit: r/CVLuke

With the increasing success of Riot Games Valorant, many people want a Deathmatch type of game mode to warm up and get used to the guns. Valorant currently only has one way of warming up your shot and it is using a gun range shooting at bots. The Twitter user @ValorantLeaked found in the code “+GameModeClassAsliases=(ShortName=”TDM”,GameClassName=”/Script/ShooterGame./GameModes/TeamDeathmatch/TeamDeathmatchMode”)bHandleDedicatedServerReplays=False” this means that Team Deathmatch could be coming in future updates.

A developer and former CS:GO champion “Volcano” talking about the possibility of Deathmatch being incorporated in the game he said, “So the team is interested in a warmup/deathmatch style mode for warming up, practicing, and getting used to gun mechanics.” He also continued to say, “I don’t know when that would be available probably not for launch.”

With all the comparisons Valorant gets with Counter-Strike Global Offense it would not be surprising that many Counter-Strike players would want a Deathmatch type of game mode. Many Counter-Striker pros such as Summit1g, ShahZam, and Brax all used the Deathmatch mode to warmup their shots. In the gun range, you can shot bots that do not shot back, but with deathmatch, you would be shooting other players which is better practice than just shooting moving targets.

You can see Valorants 0.49 patch notes here.