Destiny 2 Lightfall, one week later – the good, the bad, and the very, very ugly


Destiny 2 Lightfall currently sits at ‘mostly negative’ on Steam. Twitter and Reddit are awash with posts complaining about, highlighting issues with, and outright mocking the latest expansion. Even MyNameIsByf, a longstanding Destiny loyalist with a razor sharp eye for criticism and commentary, has expressed his profound disappointment with Lightfall and the future it sets up for Bungie.

But, all that aside, Lightfall isn’t wholly bad. In fact, in my opinion, I think the mission design of the legend campaign reflects one of the best Destiny experience I’ve had in years: challenging, curated, climactic, and creative. A really intense way of introducing lapsed players back into the game, and a timely prod for those getting too comfortable with their end-game gear sets. It’s just a shame that, beyond that, there’s little to compliment.

This is the penultimate story beat before Destiny’s long-teased, highly-anticipated Light and Darkness climax. It’s a finale 10 years in the making, and – if handled well – has the power to deliver one of gaming’s most cathartic and impressive gameplay/story combinations. It could be the sort of thing that’ll be referred to by devs, players, and business execs for years to come: the pinnacle of service game design, a bastion for devs that want to prove long-term, crowd-shaped games can really deliver.

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