Gundam Evolution Preview: A faithful fling for fans, with room to soar for Overwatch runaways


Gundam Evolution is a cool game to get your hands on, let’s start with that. If you’ve been a fan of the series between now and the release of Mobile Suit Gundam all the way back in 1979, you’ll get a kick from the loving recreations of your favourite suits, weapons, and the overall feel of these gigantic mechas shooting and smashing into each other. However, does this game provide enough for those who aren’t familiar with the series’ legacy? From my impressions of this closed beta so far, it might just have what it takes.

(All impressions come from playing the closed PC beta test on the North American server from the UK.)

Let’s start with what the game actually is. Gundam Evolution is a 5v5 first-person shooter in the same vein as Overwatch and Team Fortress 2, where each player takes the role of a different Gundam, each with their own anime-faithful weapons and abilities. Once you’ve got a team together, you battle in a variety of game modes including Point Capture, Domination, and Destruction which is like Search and Destroy game modes in other FPS titles.

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