Here are 7 things you should be doing now that Destiny 2: The Witch Queen is out


It can be a little overwhelming jumping back into a game like Destiny 2 if you’ve been gone for a while. Hell, it can be difficult jumping back in even if you’ve only been gone for a few weeks! A lot can change in a shared-world shooter like this in a very short amount of time, and it’s easy to get lost in a sea of icons, quests and new loot if you come wandering back in blind.

But don’t fret; we’ve got you sorted out. Whether you’re looking to quickly – and easily – arm yourself with some fancy new Destiny 2 Witch Queen exotics, looking to level up quickly, or simply just want to increase your Throne World reputation, we’ve got you covered.

But you may also be looking for a more general guide; an easy-to-follow, easy-to-parse ‘way in’ to Witch Queen that tells you everything you need to do (and the order you need to do it in). To that end, check out the video above and follow these simple steps below to get the most out of Bungie’s latest – and quite possibly greatest – expansion.

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