Hi Fi Rush struck a chord with its Game Pass stealth drop – here’s how Tango Gameworks made music matter


Hi-Fi Rush is brilliant. That’s our review. Consider it a brief follow up to our initial impressions piece from earlier this year. Back then, Alex Donaldson stated it could be one of the best games of the year. Months later… he’s still right.

If there’s on thing that’s on repeat in my head even now, it’s the amazing work the ensemble at Tango Gameworks did when it comes down to the game’s relationship with music. It’s not just a soundtrack; it’s core to the game. A true rhythm game that goes beyond slapping notes on queue and forcing you to jab at the buttons in 4/4 time.

To find out more about the process of getting the flow and the feel of interactive rhythm right (where numerious other games have fumbled the concept), I sat down and had a chat with game director John Johanas about all things musical in Hi-Fi Rush, and asked about the challenges and triumphs of getting a high score to work in this infamously difficult genre.

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