If you want a taste of what Final Fantasy 16 will play like, you need to try this PlayStation Plus game right now


Final Fantasy 16 has a lot going for it. As well as a return to a more traditional fantasy world – eschewing the apocalyptic boyband aesthetic of the previous game – the game seems to have a more serious tone, a world packed with political intrigue, and a core cast of characters with grizzly backstories, potent motivations, and suitably unlikely names. By remembering what made the series great, Square Enix’s next blockbuster RPG could right the recent wrongs of the series.

But, despite some of the ways the game is returning to Final Fantasy’s retro roots, there is one place the game is innovating: combat. Early on in the game’s life, it was confirmed that Final Fantasy 16 will not feature turn-based combat – something that was a staple in the games up until Final Fantasy 12. Instead, the action will focus more on real-time, player-directed sequences similar to something a player may find in, let’s say, Devil May Cry 5.

And that’s not just me pulling a name out of an air juggle combo to make a point. Final Fantasy 16 has employed the talents of DMC5’s combat director, Ryota Suzuki, to head up the action in this game. After fumbling the combat a bit in Final Fantasy 15, and realising that some bastard hybrid of real-time and turn-based isn’t really what a new numbered title in the series needs, Final Fantasy 16 has fully committed to pulling the devil trigger and going all in on the excitement. And I couldn’t be happier about that.

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