In Warzone 2, losing a tire makes your hatchback faster… and way more exciting


In Warzone 2, driving your hatchback with three tires isn’t as bad as you might think. Turns it out not only makes you faster, it lets you pull off some pretty rad manoeuvres.

Highlighted on Reddit by Netoxicky, we see first the difference in initial acceleration between a regular undamaged car and one with a back tire shot out. Surprisingly enough, you reach higher speeds with one less tire!

But it only gets wilder from there. With one less back tire, you’ll be able to pull off quick 360 degree turns while maintaining full speed. How this appears to be working is interesting — since you’re missing a back tire, your car isn’t able to shift the weight back to its centre. This means it stays on its side while turning, maintaining a comical two-wheel donut for as long as you can handle it.

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