Infinity Ward April 24 Community Update

Credit: Activision / Infinity Ward

Infinity Ward has released a recap for this week’s update and the upcoming update on April 28. They have not released official patch notes for the April 28 update but have released some information on that specific update which you can find here. In today’s IW community update, they mention what they are currently working on, fixes, updates, and more. One of the major additions that were discussed that caught a lot of people’s eyes is the Obsidian camo that was mentioned. The upcoming update this Tuesday will require Xbox One and Playstation 4 users a required 15gbs update.

With what Infinity Ward is working on, they said “Currently targeting April 28th for our next update. Patch notes will go out shortly before the update begins rolling out. Next week also holds some playlist updates. Modern Warfare will see Shoot the Ship 24/7 (now with Cranked and Grind in the mix!) along with some fun Gunfight variations. There’s also something new to chase. Can we interest you in Obsidian camo? Or maybe you want to mix and match blueprint weapon attachments to your heart’s content, even on another blueprint weapon…”