Joint-GG: A New Way to Connect Partners and Creators

Got something a little different for everyone today and it is super cool. Earlier this week, a group reached out to me over Twitter asking to give their website a test drive. Now, usually I’m really bad about getting back to people over socials, but this peaked my interest fairly quick. A quick run-down was that this was a new site for creators and partners to make profiles and easily connect with each other in a shared space. Having recently been through the trials and tribulations of trying to use Impact to get my Razer affiliation up and running, I was really crossing my fingers that this would be less of a soul-sucking ordeal. Boy was I pleasantly surprised. 

First things first, if you’re anything like me, you can either be immediately turned off or brought in by the initial home screen UI. Everything starts there and it’s going to be the deciding factor on how easy a site is to navigate and learn about. Thankfully Joint-GG has some really great designers and programmers, because for a brand new website launch, this whole webpage was like stepping into a freshly labeled house. Getting to and from the various profile setups was a breeze, and the features you have while setting up your respective profiles are incredibly in-depth without being overwhelming. From the perspective of a content creator, the information I could put into my profile felt like it could actually be helpful and meaningful to any brands looking for a partner. 

Anyone that has used eFuze, Impact, or the various other swarms of partnership sites can probably agree with me on this one. The layout and ease of motion between profiles and opportunities you want to look at is absolutely everything. Not only is it extremely easy for brands to look up partners and affiliates with the keyword searches, but for the creators looking to start conversations with brands and communities, this is a necessity. If Razer had sent me over to Joint to sort out my affiliation, I could have been done in ten minutes and moved on to other work. Instead, three days later and almost zero communication from Impact, I have to make a whole new profile. Sounds fun, right? I promise you it is not. If I’m looking to bring creators into my team, or I’m looking to start up a new partnership, I want it to be an easy and straightforward correspondence. Why make something harder than it has to be? 

Through my entire deep-dive into this website I came across one whole issue, and it was just a link that didn’t want to show up on my creator profile. No big deal, just a quick chat with the awesome people at Joint, and viola my link works on my dashboard. I wasn’t asked to make a whole new profile and just cross my fingers, at that rate my phone probably would have taken a trip to the moon, and not in a fun Destiny raid kind of way. For a fresh new website that just kicked off, one minor and quickly adjusted issue doesn’t come across as an issue at all. As we speak there are currently dozens of creator profiles already listed, and a handful of communities and groups. In fact I may be listing my own community on there later today just to try out the features that brands have. 

So, in all, if you are a brand looking for new creators or influencers to partner, sponsor or be affiliated with, I highly suggest going to take a look at the Joint website. If you are a creator that wants to get in on this before they start overflowing, I also highly suggest you go and take a look, make a profile, or just lurk and get a feel for it if you don’t believe me. You can check them out on Twitter here, and have a chat with them if you need help with anything. In the meantime I’ll be fighting with Impact and their ridiculous layout. Don’t struggle like me, go make a profile with Joint. 
