Konami wants more Silent Hill games in the future, if devs have good enough ideas


It sounds like Konami is dead set on reviving the Silent Hill series, as a recent interview details potential for more games, titles that fell through, and more.

In an interview between IGN Japan, Silent Hill series producer Motoi Okamoto, concept artist and Pyramid Head designer Masahiro Ito, and composer Akira Yamaoka, the three spoke about a pretty wide range of topics to do with the games’ history, as well as its future. For one, it sounds like the overall sentiment at Konami is that the developers at the company have wanted to bring it back for a while.

“The Silent Hill series had been dormant for quite a while. Konami as a company wanted to bring it back, and lots of people working here wanted to make Silent Hill games,” shared Okamoto. “The only thing was that everyone had different ideas of what Silent Hill is and why they loved it, making it difficult to coalesce around a single direction.”

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