Luna Abyss is a brutalist bullet hell that mixes Bioshock with Nier Automata


Sometimes you see a game, and it grabs you immediately. There’s a lot to be said about the importance of that first audio visual impression a game can have, how a slick art style paired with a booming voice or sweeping soundtrack can steal your heart. Roughly two weeks ago, on the GDC expo floor, Luna Abyss may of well been just that.

To learn more about the game, I sat down and talked to creative director Benni Hill (don’t hum the tune) about the upcoming first-person bullet-hell shooter from Bonsai Collection. Where does that art style come from, and how exactly do you transfer a traditionally 2D genre effectively into a 3D game?

The game is a striking clash of dark concrete and metal, peppered with pipes, stairs, and mechanical horror. You as a convict with mysterious crimson eyes have been sent to the Red Moon, a strange orbital boy that appeared over earth 250 years ago. While there, you must serve a prison sentence, ordered by the loud everpresent voice of your mechanical warden to discover relics hidden in the megastructure.

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