Metroid Prime Remastered comparison video shows just how gorgeous the new game is


The Metroid Prime Remaster is out and making a massive impact among its fans, but for those who compared the new look against the original game, impressive hardly does the game justice. It looks fantastic.

Thanks to videos like the one embedded below, we can see exactly how far we’ve come in terms of visual fidelity and graphical quality in general. Whole new assets, totally recreated and faithfully recreated as per the original game go a long way in bringing the classic back to life.

The word remaster gets thrown around a lot. On one hand, it’s used in marketing for games when they’ve gotten a fresh coat of paint, but little else. The Metroid Prime Remaster represents the other side of the video game remake: a grand overhaul of myriad aspects that takes a lot more legwork. As the video above shows, everything from lighting to FPS and resolution has gotten a major upgrade.

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