Modern Warfare 2: Can it recapture the glory days of Xbox Live?


^ Stick around after the ads for some pristine 1440p footage and a discussion about Modern Warfare 2’s place in the modern era of shooters.

As infuriating exercises in being the severalth thing in a series but having the same title as the original go, the Modern Warfare reboot wasn’t half bad. We spent a bunch of time in the multiplayer beta for MW2 ahead of the full release at the end of this month, and found a solid (if a little muddled) Call of Duty game in there.

But we have to wonder: in a world far removed from the original Modern Warfare 2, which solidified CoD’s utter dominance of the 360 era back in 2009, what place does 2022’s MW2 multiplayer have in a crowded marketplace full of free-to-play competition? Not just from the Fortnites and APEX’s of this world, but from its own Battle Royale spin-off, Warzone, which is itself getting a sequel in Warfare 2.0, dropping next month as part of MW2’s first season.

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