Never mind the Arkhamverse, the only good Batman game is Assassin's Creed 2


So, the long awaited next foray into the Arkhamverse, Suicide Squad, looks like a pretty miserable experience from what we’ve seen so far. A screenshot doing the rounds on Twitter puts the spotlight on a dreary looking set of stat modifiers that reads like a tech manual for transistors. The fact that it’s a live-service looter shooter with no true single-player mode (‘co-op with bots’ doesn’t count), and the horrifying red flag of requiring a constant internet connection to run, shows just how far Rocksteady has strayed from the light. The light being Arkham “it’s a Metroidvania, actually” Asylum, the solitary jewel in the crown of Batman-themed video games, nestled amongst a litany of, frankly, shite.

I know at this point people will be throwing turnips at me for suggesting that Arkham City isn’t as good as Arkham “did you realise it was a Metroidvania” Asylum, but please rest assured that I’m only suggesting it because it’s true. The last thing Arkham “it’s like a 3D Metroidvania! Wow!” Asylum needed was bloat: and Arkham City, frankly, was where the rot started to set in on that front.

Of course, you can’t blame them. Where else can a video game sequel go from a tight, long night in the worst hospital on earth, other than out into the streets? The only way is “more”. More open world. More of the rogues gallery. More, sigh, hours of gameplay. In fairness to Arkham City, it did often feel like a series of Asylum-style vignettes connected by an overworld hub, but by the fourth game when we’re screaming around a deserted Gotham in Batman’s Car (by popular demand), the magic had entirely unravelled.

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