One Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom player is looking for a missed connection from a midnight launch


At a midnight launch for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, one player expected to just find the game, but wound up with a possible missed connection instead.

Do you remember the one that got away? The one that keeps you up at night thinking, “dang, I should have gone for it!” Well, one Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom player certainly does, as she’s currently searching for someone she met at a midnight launch of the game. In a post titled “Missed connection at Gamestop midnight release in southwestern Illinois,” Reddit user ThatTOTK girl shared her meet-cute story involving another prospective player at said midnight launch.

“I was the blonde girl who did her hair like Zelda,” the post opens. “You were the guy who showed me his Zelda-themed tattoo on your leg and we chatted about Nintendogs, among other things. I had fun talking to you and would like to be able to talk to you some more! If this was you, please message me and tell me the name of your childhood Nintendog lol.”

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