PlayStation VR2 review: £530 on PS5 VR might end up being the best money you've ever spent


I’m once again in awe of VR gaming. In an age where we’ve kind of seen it all before, where a middling game manages to impress with its visuals and new game ideas are seemingly running out, it’s not as easy to be wowed with video games as it used to be. There was a time when every new release appeared to push the industry forward in some way, and the future looked incredible. You’ll often hear people like may say things like “you’ll never again get that feeling of playing Mario 64 for the first time after growing up with the SNES,” and I think that’s mostly held true.

The leap from generation to generation has lessened – and I know we get unbelievably good-looking games these days, before someone slams me on socials – meaning I appreciate what we’ve got, but I’m not muttering things like “holy mother of Jesus!” all the time. With PlayStation VR2 I muttered that, and more. It’s hard to see Sony’s newest entry into the VR market as more than a niche product that’ll do well if it sells to 5% of the final PS5 userbase, but if you can afford it, you’ll get those wow moments that have been harder and harder to find.

Before more gushing about how I love PSVR2, a few of the things that irked me – some directly related to the hardware itself, some VR in general.

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