Pokemon Scarlet & Violet hands-on: Lessons from Legends & Returning Traditions make this a fascinating, revolutionary new entry


Pokemon Scarlet & Violet are the follow-up to Sword and Shield, the first entry in a new generation. But in learning lessons from Legends Arceus, a fantastic new take on the series emerges.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, the flagship games of a new Pokemon generation, find themselves in an interesting spot. A new Pokemon generation is always time for introspection, consideration, and gentle evolution – but earlier this year, a mere Pokemon spin-off tipped expectation of what the series can be upside down. The question that Scarlet & Violet face is easily asked, but challenging to answer: what does the next evolution of Pokemon look like, with all the tradition-disrupting ideas that Legends Arceus put forth taken into account?

That question is an interesting invitation for the Pokemon series to evolve, and Scarlet and Violet do appear to have a firm, full-throated answer. In how it cherry-picks ideas from Legends, from Sword and Shield, from series tradition and also yes, anew out of thin air, it’s arguably the most significant generational Pokemon reset in the history of the series. And that’s exciting.

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