Riot Games settles gender discrimination lawsuit for $100 million


Game Developer reports that Riot Games has agreed on a settlement of the class-action lawsuit against the company to the tune of $100 million, a massive increase from the $10 million settlement attempt previously made that was rejected for letting Riot off too easily.

The class-action lawsuit came after blockbuster reports of sexism and abuse in Riot’s workplace. The settlement was approved by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing and will give $80 million of the $100 million to women employees and contractors at the company and the remaining $20 million set aside for legal fees and such. Riot must also set aside $6 million per year for three years to adjust pay as well as create new positions for contractors that are part of the class-action lawsuit.

In a statement, Riot attempts to show remorse for the past and move forward: “While we’re proud of how far we’ve come since 2018, we must also take responsibility for the past,” the statement read. “We hope that this settlement properly acknowledges those who had negative experiences at Riot and demonstrates our desire to lead by example in bringing more accountability and equality to the games industry.”

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