Sifu lets you become the student or the master with new difficulty options update


Sifu is getting some new difficulty settings this week, and developer Sloclap has shown them off in a new video.

One of the main selling points of Sifu was that it’s a tough game, but for some it might just be a bit too hard, and for others it might not be hard enough. Now, in a free update, Sloclap is adding two new difficulty options to the game that either chills things out or ups the ante depending on what it is you’re after. The update launches tomorrow (May 3), and adds in the Student and Master difficulty settings, which have been detailed in a new video.

If you want to play the game as it was when it launched, then you can stick with the Disciple setting, which when translated to other video game difficulty settings, is basically just normal mode. Which means that Student is easy mode, and Master is hard mode.

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