Sons of the Forest: 5 horror films you didn't know inspired the game


Sons of the Forest may not come with a grainy VHS filter (yet), but the moment you fire it up it’s clear this Steam Early Access survival game has one foot in the 80s. The menu theme sounds like it’s ripped straight from a mid-tier VHS movie, the sort that was made to sate rental-hungry video owners.

Its influences are, however, more specific than general 80s shlock. The Forest and, by extension, Sons of the Forest, owe a lot to 80s shockers like the infamous Cannibal Holocaust. Oh, and Disney – but we’ll get to that later. So let’s dive into five movies that, as confirmed by developer Endnight, Sons of the Forest wouldn’t have existed without.

An infamous video nasties, Cannibal Holocaust is one of the first found footage films and was muddying reality long before The Blair Witch Project. It follows the story of four film makers who head into the Amazon Rainforest in an effort to make a documentary about cannibal tribes. They never come back, but their footage is found and it doesn’t tell a pretty story.

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