Sony’s new portable PlayStation 5 is powered entirely by 50 AA batteries

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In this article, I will talk about Sony’s new mobile PS5, its facts, and my opinions on this wonderful piece of hardware.

Here are the facts

Sony’s new mobile PlayStation 5 seems like a splendid idea. It is reportedly just as powerful as the classic PS5, but powered by 50 AA batteries.  Though I do have my suspicions, Sony has had major success in the past with mobile gaming devices such as the PS Vita which allowed players to play games from all PlayStation generations up to the PS4.

“We have had marginal success in the handheld market before,” said SIE CEO Jim Ryan. “Our best-received products allow you to play main-system PlayStation games on the go, like the Vita’s Remote Play feature. Having a Mobile PS5 with you on the go ensures you have access to your entire digital PS5 library as long as you can connect to a screen and WiFi wherever you are. It’s mobile, it’s PlayStation, and it’s battery-powered. What more could you want? Plus, it’s the same size as the original PS5 so it’s just as powerful!”

(Remember that last sentence in the previous quote. We will be coming back to that when we discuss my opinions.)

There haven’t been many companies that were able to successfully release a portable gaming system in recent years, so this should give the upcoming mobile PS5 an advantage over other companies.

“We are absolutely not releasing this into a crowded market,” Ryan added. “Our major competitors are not releasing any new Boys or anything like it any time soon. This does mean that the price point is a bit higher than usual for a handheld device, but even iPhones can be thousands of dollars in today’s world. Batteries will absolutely not be included with the PS5 Mobile.”

Here are my opinions

I honestly think the PS5 Mobile is a good idea, but it does have some room for improvement. For example: 50 AA batteries? That’s insane! I believe a better alternative would be to design an interchangeable battery that can be recharged and inserted back into the console. This will allow consumers to save money on batteries in the long run. It will also prevent an excess of used batteries out of the trash, which is really bad for the environment.

Do you still remember that sentence I talked about earlier? Here it is again: “Plus, it’s the same size as the original PS5 so it’s just as powerful!” I don’t believe the dimensions of the console have anything to do with how powerful each of the components are. The PS5 Mobile could easily be just as big as the classic PS5 but lacks in performance due to the fact that it’s had to make room for all those batteries. Sure it’s a lot of batteries, but will they be able to power the different components? And even if they are able to power the components properly, how long will the expected battery life be? Now I understand different brands of AA batteries are built differently, but that’s a different topic. Now I guess they could also design compacted versions of the different components, but that leaves room for decreased performance.

Let’s wrap things up, shall we?

In conclusion, the PS5 Mobile has enormous potential, but it needs further development before it can be released to the public.