Starfield’s ESRB rating reveals details of sex, drugs, and intergalactic violence


Starfield has finally received an ESRB rating of ‘M’. While that in and of itself isn’t the most riveting news in the world, the rating did reveal some new details regarding the contents of Bethesda’s upcoming RPG.

We are all well aware by now that drugs are going to have a prominent position in Starfield. The fictional ‘Aurora’ drug can be acquired through “stealing or buying it”, and there’s a portion of the game in which the player must work in an “illicit drug lab.” All in all, this implies we’ll be seeing a lot of Aurora throughout our time with Starfield, be it as part of the overarching narrative or as some sort of side business, Breaking Bad-style.

The ESRB rating also tells players to prepare for violence in Starfield. We’ll be using “guns, lasers, axes, and explosives” to combat enemies, and we’re to expect plenty of gunfire, cries of pain, and explosions as a result. Sounds about right for a Bethesda RPG. There’ll also be blood-splatter effects, blood-stained environments, and corpses for players to take caution of.

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