Tears of the Kingdom players think it might be tougher than Breath of the Wild


The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has a lot of changes from Breath of the Wild, and it looks like the biggest for some players is the difficulty.

When I first played Breath of the Wild back in 2017, I was surprised at how difficult the early game was. The weapon degradation system meant I always had to keep an eye on what I’m fighting with, enemies could do some pretty big hits, and obviously guardians were a nightmare to deal with. So colour me surprised when Tears of the Kingdom felt even harder than the first game, a feeling that a lot of other players seem to be sharing.

Players over on the Zelda subreddit are discussing their feelings on the game’s difficulty, with the user that started the thread opening with, “Who else loves the fact that this game is way harder than [Breath of the Wild]?” While I neither love nor hate how the game is harder, a number of players are definitely finding it more challenging than the first game.

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